The Tenebrous Way

  1. Rugess Nome
  2. Read The Tenebrous Way
  3. Darth Tenebrous
  4. The Tenebrous Way Pdf

The tenebrous ones disagree with our teachings; they state that it is not yet time to learn how to consciously project ourselves in the astral body. The tenebrous ones state that people must not yet enter into the internal worlds. These tenebrous ones sustain that we first have to dominate the physical body; thus this is how the tenebrous ones close the doors to the internal worlds for this wretched, suffering humanity.

Read the tenebrous way? - #194324859 added by drkinferno at Disney Star Wars Be Like. The Bane series would make way too much sense to make into a movie or TV show. Plagueis heard a rending sound overhead and watched a fissure zigzag its way across the ceiling, sloughing layer after layer of stone as it followed the grotto’s curved wall. Now, though, it was Tenebrous who was positioned beneath the fall. And in that instant Plagueis perceived the danger Tenebrous had foreseen earlier: his death.

Thus, this is how the tenebrous ones close the doors to the superior worlds for the aspirants to the light, and after having closed the doors, they enslave them within their intellectual systems.

In the Middle Ages, the doors of access to the internal worlds were closed; at that time, it was necessary to do it, so that humans would dedicate themselves to the physical world in order for them to acquire cognizance of their own individuality.

Nirvana has epochs of activity and epochs of profound repose. On February 19, 1919 at 3:40 PM, Nirvana entered into activity; thus, from that moment the evolving life started its return towards the Great Light. So, basically, in these moments it is outdated to close the doors of access to the superior worlds.

The Hierarchies of Nirvana struggle in these moments in order to make this humanity return towards the internal worlds.

At this moment, the planet Mercury is emerging from a cosmic night. Presently, the Lords of Mercury are teaching human beings how to project themselves in the astral body. As the planet Mercury is emerging more and more from its cosmic night, the Lords of Mercury will become more and more active.


However, the tenebrous ones oppose to this great cosmic law by stating that to project oneself in the astral body is “dangerous.” They commit the crime of opposing the Hierarchies of Mercury. This is how they close the door of access to the internal worlds for this wretched, suffering humanity.

In the Age of Aquarius, all human beings will know how to consciously enter and leave their physical body at will. Yet, the tenebrous ones oppose this Great Law in order to enslave the souls within their intellectual systems.

Rugess Nome

The Tenebrous Ones Close the Doors of Eden


The tenebrous ones state that sexual magic must not be taught to humanity, alleging that humanity is not yet prepared for it; thus, in this way, they close the doors of Eden to this wretched, suffering humanity. This is how the tenebrous ones close the doors of Eden to the souls who long for the Light. Then, after having stated to the naive aspirants that sexual magic is “dangerous,” the tenebrous ones enclose them within their complicated breathing systems. So, this is how they close the doors of Eden to the suffering ones and thereafter they enslave them within their intellectual systems. The tenebrous ones strive at any cost, not matter what, to avoid the sexual problem, because the tenebrous ones hate the doors of sex.


In ancient times, it was prohibited to divulge the Great Arcanum; those who intended to divulge it were condemned to penalty of death. Yet, today it is outdated to deny the Great Arcanum of Sexual Magic to humanity, because the divine Hierarchies are teaching sexual magic, so that humanity can return into Eden. Nevertheless, the tenebrous ones are opposed and they make superhuman efforts in order to swerve humanity away from the doors of sex.

The tenebrous ones are enemies of the Great Law; the tenebrous ones defend their seminal ejaculation. The tenebrous ones swerve the wretched aspirants in order to enclose them within their intellectual systems.

The Two Closed Doors

By uttering sublime and ineffable phrases, the tenebrous ones state that sexual magic is dangerous, thus this is how they swerve wretched human beings away from the doors of Eden. By uttering words filled with sweetness, the tenebrous ones state that to project oneself in the astral body at will is dangerous. This is how the tenebrous ones close these two doors to liberation for the wretched souls. The tenebrous ones close the two doors of happiness and thereafter they enclose their victims within their intellectual systems.

The tenebrous systems are usually filled with reasoning and philosophical words. The intellect is the most powerful weapon that the Luciferians use in order to impede their victims to escape the abyss; the abyss is filled with sincere, yet mistaken ones; the abyss is filled with people that have very good intentions. Many tenebrous ones from the abyss are sincere, yet mistaken.

Read The Tenebrous Way

Read the tenebrous wayStar wars the tenebrous way

Usually, the tenebrous ones believe that they can know God with their intellect.

Darth Tenebrous

We, Gnostics, state that only God knows himself; we need to abandon reasoning and intellect in order to attain union with God. We need to have the mind of a child in order to attain the union with God. We need sexual magic in order to enter into Eden.

The Tenebrous Way Pdf

We need to learn how to project ourselves in the astral body in order to converse with the Innermost. We need to study at the feet of the Master. Beginners must fall asleep while invoking the Lord Jehovah and pray to him to take them out in their astral body, thus the Lord Jehovah will take them out of their body. The student must get up in the moments of slumber. “Help yourself so that we can help you.” Jehovah always helps us, thus let us help ourselves.